Now Google recently gave some suggestions on how to get rid of the AppMenu since the next Google IO device will not have a hardware menu button. There are not bad suggestions. But, I think we can do it in a new and cool neat way that Google ha not considered.

Jon Deutsch of theVerge has suggested a corner to center swipe to navigate all the 5 home screens but he had some details backwards. Use Case:

1. On any screen corner to center swipe takes you to the next screen if not already at that screen. Use a small triangle at corner to indicate which screen user is at.

2. To go to the home-screen, ie dash board start screen is a center tap.

Thus, I guess I have one more project to upload to github and write a coding article about this weekend and put on The only disadvantage I see is its greatest feature in that you can only have five screens. Also somehow we want to scale it so that if someone is on table that they do not have to swipe clear from the corner to center to get that navigation to work.