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My first post at my posterous, I indicate which cucumber android implementation I am using and some tricks, CukesForDroids.

My New Posterous

I may be moving to blogging fully at my posterous site. Its just that they do so much automating things like embedding gists, video, etc that it kind of frees me up to just basically write. Its not that has not been kind to free user. Its that posterous ha so many more features and social on top rather than wordpress’s way of bolting social on.

Feedburner rss link, etc stuff already added and enabled. I just have some minor tweaks such as as adding more sharing links and some other stuff.

I will still talk about and show code examples from my agile integration process, for example how to run cucumber tests, JavaMonkey tests using Sikuli, etc. However, I may have to keep quite for a bit about what I am building as I am in process of determining if I will accept an offer to become co-founder of a start-up. I can say its in area that I follow with rapid anticipation and that it might involve mobile.

Android Tumblr App

Those that want to follow my progress on the Android Tumblr app(Amblr) can follow that at my tumblr.

Cucumber-Android Tests

Someone had asked me the other day my progress on running cucumber-jvm for android testing. Someone beat me to it, the project is CalabashAndroid. It already has its own ant test build file just type ant test to run after you change  that one line in the properties file.

I found a 2D game engine based on LibGDX, Flume2d. Okay, that means I do not have to learn to game engines, I can stick to the LibGDX base.

Proof-of-concept that building a UI library and improvements in instrumented testing and integration of tools can provide and alternative to Agile TDD in android development would probably say an Facebook app within2.5 weeks or Tumblr, no? I have to do a facebook application because I got invited to interview with Facebook.

Plus, there are somethings that really should be re-factored int the facebook-android-sdk anyway. Still in process of getting some clarification that FB will review the application as part of the interview process. as far as Tumblr I am stil awaiting some contact to tell me if they will review a tumblr app I create as part of the interview process. With minor UI deviations its basically the same code underneath for both applications thus I could probably do both at the same time.

Evidently someone forked one of the not-updated in  a while mylyn connectors for Bitbucket and fixed it. Installation Instructions are at here.

Jekyll Hacks with 3 lines of code

Okay, so I store an associative array in my _config.yml that has:

baseImgURL: img
fileName: ['glyphicons-halflings-white', 'glyphicons-halflings-black',

Now for magic the Jekyll code in this gist, allows me to do this:

{% assign siteImgArrayObject = 'site.img' %}
{% include FG/twitterbs_image_helper %}

Tada, just two lines. Three lines is I need href urls. Is that not neat? Thus I can do strips of images without the messy coding. All due to storing some metadata in my_config.yml.

The Jekyll boilerplate I have been working is a few days away for being finished. There are some interesting Jekyll/Liquid hacks that I will be writing a long coding article about  that avoid you have to using jekyll plugins. For example the Jekyll and Liquid combination has a nice way to be able to iterate over site and page arrays. Traditionally,most have found that they can include an array that is not provided for the e Jekyll site  and page objects as YAML front matter. Did you know that is not the only to do it?

For example:

fileName: [ 'idiot_recruiter.png', 'founder.png']
url: img

I can now iterate over that site.images.FileName, grabbing the file name and putting that with site.images.url to get a full image url for an image tag in a for loop. Than if you do some small image organization such as grouping non-global site images in groups you can make jekyll/liquid helpers that style it with features required for that post or page. Something like a list of images becomes less than 3 lines of code in Jekyll/Liquid by using the principle of a Jekyll/Liquid _includes helper. All because we started with the concept of using _config.yml to add objects to the site object that were not supplied by Jekyll by default. LOOK, no plugins required!